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Color separation

Time : 2021-08-27 Hits : 31

1.Color separation :

as the name suggests: Color separation of patterns by computer

Use the computer analyse colors of the pattern,with precise color matching,  than make design model. 

2.Make patten model. 

Model roller is made of good quality stainless steel,  the surface 

Reduces lowly to after the abrasive machining processing use fabric attrition (,stainless steel)

So everybody attention:The model roller is one important of part who will effect the priting. now we use model roller 2.0 versions.every step finished by computer,no problem of precision. 

3.Make printing paper . 

we make printing paper base on model roller.

The base material layer is required to be able to withstand high temperature and heavy pressure. The high temperature resistance is generally about 20 seconds in an instant, and the temperature is about 200 -230℃. And have enough strength. 

Under the control of certain temperature, pressure and time, the dye is transferred from the printing paper to the fabric, and then enters into the fabric through diffusion, so as to achieve the purpose of coloring

Temperature more higer the color will more darker. 

As we know fabric is different from paper, the surface is uneven and has numerous pores. The pattern on the paper is transferred to the fabric by heating and pressing by using the sublimation property of dye. In this process, the quality of printing paper directly determines the bright degree and level of the color on the cloth 

Normal printing paper weight 30gsm per Mts,different fabric request different weight paper. 

4.match design agenster with tansfter paper and digital papettn no mistake,and also in find problem,cut directly of the paper avoid priting effects.

5.Use tranfer printing machine printing.also need contral temperature in the printing printing quality.


Due to the elimination of wet treatment in the production process of transfer printing, there is no waste water discharge, use activity dying material.the printing is very environmentally friendly

7.The process is simple, the delivery is fast and the production is highly flexible.

In general, transfer printing is one of high-efficiency printing process。